Thursday, February 10, 2011

TJM: Getting back to the ebb and flow

I hate being depressed. Most people do its just frustrating and hard to get things done when your depressed. There is just one problem with this. I have a disorder called bipolar II. As part of the disorder I will naturally get depressed.

Lately I have been fighting my depression tooth and nail. It was pointed out to me last night that really I need to allow it. I did not like that one bit. However, when I stop and think I realize its so true. Why you probably are wondering? Let me explain.

With my bipolar I find myself in the manic phase getting a ton done and flying around just full of energy. But in a depressed state I am sad, slow, and generally exhausted.

I have learned that certain things throw me into the depressed state and have learned to avoid those. However, I will get depressed eventually its part of being bipolar.

Lately life has really been throwing the book at me as far as yucky things going wrong. For some reason I have been fighting the depression that has been coming on. This has been a really bad thing. Because of this I am actually causing myself more harm and stress.

So now I am gonna get back to the ebb and flow. I am going to allow myself to be depressed when its time to do so and then allow the natural order to bring me out and back up to my working and getting things done state.

What I have realized is the depression state is a time of renewal and recharge. By fighting the depression I am not allowing for my recharge so I am not getting anywhere at the moment because I am too exhausted to do anything.

So from now on I will be allowing the depression within reason so that I can renew and recharge for the next period of Get it done!!

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