I debated whether I should put this as Horizons Expanded or the Journey Continues. But I think it belongs here.
During the time from 18 to 36 I finally was able to date and explore the wide world of romantic relationships. Many were short lived quick little affairs where we had a bit of fun and that was the end of it. That was fine in my early years of dating. I was not ready for any commitments or anything. I just wanted to explore the world and find my path. Each person taught me a little bit about myself and what I liked and what I did not. But I am fond of all of them for they helped me build my character and who I am today. When I did start getting in commited relationships I was so impatient and so busy trying to make it happen how I wanted. The sad part was my partners were trying to make it happen their way. There was more conflict than pluses. Do not get me wrong I had a lot of great times with all my relationships.
But the greatest gift they all gave me was teaching me three things. They taught me that if I wanted a real relationship communication had to be number one in the relationship before anything else. I was also taught that I needed to be accepted for myself and at the same time I need to accept my partner for themselves. This means we both have to love that person for everything even the things that drive you crazy. We have to accept those things and not try to change them. Yet allow for change if that is what the person wants to do. Flexibility for the win. The third and probably the hardest one for me to learn was to be patient. I still struggle with this one. Being in a long distance relationship really tries your patience lol. But without patience my current relationship would never have blossomed to where it is now. There still is a lot more to be patient about but it is coming along.
To all my ex boyfriends and the ones who I wished were my boyfriends thank you for all the lessons because you are the reason I have finally found the happiness with my beloved boyfriend. You all have a special place in my heart and will remain there as my blessings that brought me to this place of love in my journey.
Be Well my beloved friends.
I 'm Just Me!!
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