Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Adventures in Hootsuite

So for the last three or four days or so I have been experimenting with Hootsuite.  At first it seemed ok.  But the last two days it has been getting me some negativity.

I have alot of people that follow me and I follow back on all my social networks. so my twitter and my  facebook news feed are always very busy.  I am sorry if my over zealous thought that once an hour did not seem than long in that context over powered your feeds.

As I said its and experiment and now I know I need to make some adjustments to the frequency. I hope that you can forgive me for my oversight.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WWoW: Clever lost 5 year old girl in California.

When I was 5 I had to take a bus to another school from the school I lived near.  The school I lived near had too many kindergarten children.  One day when they brought me home they brought me home to the wrong stop.    I was 5 years old and had no flipping clue where I was.  I asked some people how do I get to my street and they told me a direction.  I was scared but I started walking.  A strange car was following me which made me more nervous but I ignored them and kept walking.  I got to a gas station and a van with two strangers in it stopped and told me that they were friends of my parents and wanted to bring me to them.  I told them NO Thank you I dont know you.  They argued with me and kept insisting but I refused to get close enough to them.  No way in hell was I getting in the van of strangers thanks.    I figured out that I needed to get across a very busy and scary street.  I was taught that I could not go across the street without an adult holding my hand.  I did not know what to do because I also knew that I was not supposed to talk to strangers.  I paced there completely unsure what to do.  And a small miracle happened.  A little old lady came up to the corner.  I knew I could trust her so I asked if she would walk me across the street.  She did.  I was then in very familiar territory and walked home.  No one was there. So I sat on the steps and a little while later my parents came they were so glad I was safe.

I have often wondered why I am able to be so calm in crisis I think its because I learned it early.  I can be scared out of my mind but I am able to work through it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

TJM: Adventures in being a Donut Hole

Over the last year and a half I have been experiencing a lot of new things.  Some are absolutely wonderful and some are definitely something I could have lived the next decade without experiencing.  Being a huge donut hole aka getting an MRI rates pretty high up there.

Keep in mind I have been waiting a long time and been jerked around by doctors so the fact that I got my MRI today is beautiful and wonderful.  I do not begrudge the MRI for the fact that it is part of my diagnosis journey.  I do however begrudge the way the MRI made me feel.

Because I was excited to finally be making progress toward a diagnosis ( I hope like hell anyway) I hardly slept  last night.  I had some nervousness as this was totally new to me.  That's pretty typical in most people's lives the unknown brings anxiety.  Luckily I have done enough research and my mother as well as others reassured me it would be no big deal.    

So I got up early and took a shower and dried my hair with a dryer which I dont really do.  I like to dry my hair naturally.  Did my daily routine if I am leaving and everything went well.  Then I got to the Radiology Center.  The process for paperwork went well  However, the spilled whole bottle of hand sanitizer in my purse did not make my day well  fantastic.  I was determined anyway.

Paper work filled out I waited and made jokes and talks with my mom.  Eventually they called my name.  Off I went.  I had to sign a paper that stated it was ok to inject me with dye and that I was not pregnant.  Then lock up of my belongings and my glasses.

Off to become a donut hole I went.  I laid down upon the table as she directed.  I put in my ear plugs badly, which if I ever have to do MRI again I will be sure to rectify that.  *laugh*  A wonderful leg pillow thing was put under my knees.  I want one for my bed that is how bloody awesome it was.  Then I was instructed to move up a bit cause I was not on target and then she tightened the pillow around my head and put the large mesh thing with the mirror over my head.  

In general MRI machines are noisy.  So are Cat scan machines.  MRI machines have many many noises and I am going to make a fun video about the sounds the MRI makes.  However, the part that made me uncomfortable was not the sounds so much as the way my body reacted to radio waves concentrated.   Some of the first feelings were vibration.  This I expected as my dear mother warned me about it.  What I did not expect is parts of my body to change position very slightly when the machine was taking its images.  I knew it was doing this because in between  noises when it got sort of quiet my body would move back to normal.  This all I could live with and the vibrating.  Toward the end of the set I found a new reaction happening.  I think it was because they were doing the top of the spine and my throat felt constricted and my chest was feeling very much like a weight was on it.  I just kept breathing deeply and telling myself that it would be worth it.  Thankfully that was when she pulled me out to put the contrasting dye in for the last two pictures.  So she could not find a vein but then she found one.  Then it kept running away.  I felt nothing all that time.  After she removed the arm band constrictor  my arm started to hurt from my elbow to my hand.  She thought I meant burn at first but NO it was PAIN so she put a ice pack on it and it really really helped.  We did the last two pictures and nothing else happened other than the vibration thing.  

So that was my adventure of being a donut hole.

Tomorrow sleep deprived EEG to read my seizures.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Empire Avenue


Need to verify empire avenue
