Recently I went away for two weeks on a vacation to see my boyfriend in Illinois. Just in case your not aware we are in a long distance relationship which in time will be changing.
However, that is not what this entry is about. When I was there I got to see snow again and with it brought alot of strange memories and feelings that I thought I had dealt with so long ago. Things that I had not let go like I thought from my days living in Wisconsin. Perhaps the peace I found within myself has opened up a chance in me to finally process through this stuff I never really let go into the wind. I am too tired to give much detail but ever since I got home last Wednesday every night I have been plagued with dreams that are bazaar and tend to leave me completely annoyed when I awake.
The only conclusion I can come to is my brain is trying to process through all the feelings and memories I so carefully bound up and hid deep in the recesses of my brain. This is what I am hoping anyway. Because if I do not process these things and finally after that sweeping them up and sending them on their merry way I will not be able to progress in my journey to become a better person.
I have weathered storms like this one before but this time is much gentler and other than annoying dreams its a calmer process. I like this more peaceful me.
Just cause I am more peaceful does not mean I don't get mad or stressed cause I do. It just means I can find better alternatives on how to deal in theory.
I am Just ME!